Dear Sir/Madam,

Your access to this website (hereinafter: Website), its browsing, use, and other related activities are subject to the Terms of Use, as well as legal and other provisions governing this area. By undertaking the actions listed, it is considered that you accept the Terms of Use in full scope.


Content provided on the Website in:

– textual,

– visual,

– software defined

– any other form, which may not be considered textual, visual or software-defined, or does not qualify in any of these three forms,

is owned by FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED or licensed to this Website by:

– a natural person, or a legal entity who or which holds the ownership rights, or

– a natural or legal person who has the special authorization of the holder of the right of ownership.

In this respect, the entire content is protected by copyright, intellectual property rights and related rights, and FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED will protect the same rights in civil, penal and criminal proceedings.

Using the content

The use of content is carried out in accordance with the instructions provided by these Terms of Use.

In the event that there is an intention to use the contents of this Website beyond the instructions provided in these Terms of Use, explicit permission of the owner or FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED , is required in written form.

Instructions for using the content

The instructions for using the content are given to the points that are structurally, meaningfully and legally complementary, which read as follows:

1. All forms of content distribution, including copying and alterations to any extent (excluding any activities carried out in accordance with these Terms of Use), are forbidden on personal behalf and for own account, or on behalf of and for the account of third parties, except in case of explicit permission of the owner or FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED , given in written form.

2. All forms of content sale, the sharing or creating links to the Website and the contents of the Website, as well as the use thereof for commercial purposes, shall be prohibited on their own behalf and for their own account, or personal behalf and for own, or on behalf of or for the account of third parties, except in case of explicit permission of the owner or FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED, is required in written form.

3. It is forbidden to use the contents of this Website for any other purposes that are contrary to the public order, business practice and other related practices and which are contrary to morality.

Privacy protection

Privacy protection is carried out in accordance with the Privacy Statement published on the Website.

All data, except personal data and electronic records that belong to the sphere of personality, such as, for example, e-mail address, are not considered as confidential and protected content.


1. The contents of this Website are not assigned an advisory character: no activity, commercial, noncommercial or of any other nature, can be considered as incited or provoked by the contents of this Website.

2. FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED does not in any way guarantee that consuming the contents of this Website will be or will not be considered as a violation of the rights of third parties.

3. FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED does not guarantee the accuracy, comprehensiveness or grammatical correctness of the content of this Website, nor guarantees that the same content will be immutable in time, with or without warning.

4. FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED does not guarantee that this Website, all forms of its contents or services, will be available continuously without any errors, illogical, interference, interruptions or other intractable technical features.

5. FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED is not responsible for the content of other natural or legal persons which is made available from the links posted on the Website, especially in case of, but not limited to the possibility that content does not comply these Terms of Use.

6. FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED , its employees and other physical or legal persons, individuals or legal entities, are not liable for material or non-material direct or indirect damage or any form of damage resulting from the use or by any other form of using the content published on this Website.

7. FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED reserves the discretion to prohibit a particular physical or legal entity, as well as an electronic system, from accessing the Website and its content, in an appropriate manner.

8. Any form of downloading of content from this Website appears to be at your own risk.

Other clauses

1. FULFILLMENT SERVICES LIMITED reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use, which will be made without prior notice, or without warning.

2. In the event that any part of these Terms of Use is declared by the competent authority as invalid or unlawful, that part shall be automatically replaced by a provision or text that is valid and lawful, which corresponds most closely to the meaning of the replaced part, in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Cyprus.

3. In the event of a dispute arising from the interpretation or use of these Terms of Use, the Commercial Court in Cyprus shall be the competent, law of the Republic of Cyprus is relevant.

Terms of Use Privacy Statement